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Education information for overseas Koreans



Overseas Koreans Education Portal

"Education information for overseas Koreans"

About 7.5 million(as of Dec 2018)Koreans live abroad (as of Dec 2018). Overseas Koreans make up a vital population not only because we share the same DNA but also because they contribute to expanding the Korean education community and international human resources.
To develop a competitive pool of talents, it is imperative to create an environment that promotes a win-win partnership between educational institutions at home and abroad and to introduce systematic approaches to provide educational services for the younger generation of overseas compatriots.

In this vein, the Korean government introduced the Act on the Educational Support for Overseas Korean Nationals and is providing overseas Korean nationals with schooling and lifelong education services equivalent to the curriculum provided in the country. There are 34 Korean Schools in 16 nations and 19 Korean Education Centers in 43 countries
(as of March 1, 2022).

These overseas educational institutions are pioneering the effort to advance education for expatriates by carrying out activities to promote national identity and solidarity, supporting them in being more adaptive to the new environment, and working with educational institutions in Korea, so the services stay relevant.Moreover, efforts are also made to promote the education of Korean for non-Koreans interested in our language and culture.

The objective of the Overseas Korean Education Portal is to provide a platform where citizens can easily access educational resources provided by our institutions and where faculty members can share teaching materials, taking the power of education to another level through collaboration.
The OKEP is committed to doing its best to meet the following goals.

● First, OKEP shall serve as an integrated network of educational services that encompass all areas of overseas education.
● Second, OKEP shall promote networking between users and enhance the power of overseas education by providing a two-way community that supports user-centric processing and utilization of information.

We hope you frequent the portal, gain information and insights, and support our endeavor to advance educational services for overseas Koreans.
Thank you.

Overseas Koreans Education Portal